CMSMS 1.6 – Chapter 4
April 14th, 2010
Chapter 4 is really what CMSMS is all about – creating templates quickly and easily. The first introduces Smarty tags and how they can be used in both templates and in content, and then details basic smarty parameters. Next the readers is shown how to create templates and link them to CSS files which culminates in an in-depth walk-through of starting with a static mockup on the local machine and creating a full CMSMS template. For any designer/developer unfamiliar with CMSMS, give this chapter a read and you’ll be amazed at how much easier creating a template is in this system compared to the miserable XML uploads of Joomla or the dozens of files to edit in WordPress. It literally only takes 5 minutes to create a static mock-up into a fully integrated template with CMSMS, so do yourself a favor and look into it.